Registration and Certification functions are as follows :
- Register trainees in all accreditation centres that run the programme through the accreditation system.
- Ensure the implementation of training programmes in all accredited training centres are carried out in compliance with the accreditation system’s set regulations.
- Carry out assignments and verify claims for external officers’ visits at accredited centres that run the programme through the accreditation system.
- Request for application for the Malaysian Skills Certificate can only be met if all methods of certification i.e accreditation, national dual training system and evaluation of previous performance have been undertaken.
- To generate the Malaysian Skills Certificate all methods of certification i.e accreditation, national dual training system and evaluation of previous performance must be undertaken.
Latest Info
Malaysian Skills Certification is one of the main functions of the DSD. This certification offers five (5) levels of authentication :
Bil | Tajuk | Muat Turun |
Panduan Pendaftaran Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia Melalui Sistemlatihan Program Bertauliah (SLaPB), Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) Dan Kaedah Pengiktirafan Pencapaian Terdahulu (PPT) |
2 |
Panduan Pelaksanaan Program SLaPB Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (SLaPB-KKP) Di bawah Sistem Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia (SPKM) |
Malaysian Skills Certification is one of the main functions of the DSD. This certification offers five (5) levels of authentication :
Bil | Tajuk | Muat Turun |
Kuatkuasa Peraturan-Peraturan Pembangunan Kemahiran Kebangsaan (Fi dan Caj) (Pindaan) 2023 [P.U (A) 90/2023] pada 1 Julai 2023 |
Malaysian Skills Certification is one of the main functions of the DSD. This certification offers five (5) levels of authentication :
Bil | Tajuk | Muat Turun |
Carta Alir Pendaftaran Pelatih Modular (Manual) | |
2 | JPK T1002 Modular (Manual) | Lihat Selanjutnya |
Malaysian Skills Certification is one of the main functions of the DSD. This certification offers five (5) levels of authentication :
Bil | Tajuk | Muat Turun |
1 | Panduan Pelaksanaan Sistem Pensijilan Kemahiran Malaysia (SPKM) Berasaskan Kredit -pindaan 17 Januari 2020 | Lihat Selanjutnya |
2 | Penganugerahan Sijil Elektronik (eCertificate) Sepenuhnya Kepada Calon Yang Layak Dipersijilkan Di Bawah Sistem Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia (SPKM) -kemaskini 2 Februari 2024 | |
3 | Panduan Pengeluaran Sijil Di Bawah Sistem Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia (SPKM) -kemaskini 2 Februari 2024 |
Malaysian Skills Certification is one of the main functions of the DSD. This certification offers five (5) levels of authentication :
Malaysian Skills Certification is one of the main functions of the DSD. This certification offers five (5) levels of authentication :
Bil | Tajuk | Muat Turun |
Panduan Penganjuran Majlis Konvokesyen oleh Penyedia Latihan Kemahiran di bawah SPKMdikemaskini dan berkuatkuasa pada 1 Jun 2024. |
Any correspondence can be directed to:
Bahagian Pensijilan Kompetensi (BPK)
Competency Certification Division (BPK)
Department of Skills Development,
Aras 8, Blok D4, Kompleks D,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62530 Putrajaya